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Livelihood development:
organization is working for upliftment for the farmers in the region of Bundelkhand MP, here in the last season of kharif our team did a tremendous job by encouraging farmers to adopt organic farming techniques and SRI technique to grow rice in their fields, by which the local farmers got more than double production then that of traditional method. in this method the input is very low , it doesn’t harm the environment as its eco friendly. eventually SRI and organic way of farming results with good source of income, high yield and hence the rate of malnutrition reduces in these areas. Now we are working on SWI method for wheat cultivation.

Interference with grass root service providers:
GVS is working with the tribal community and other backward classes in the area where the health condition is very poor. The organization aware the community and increased the vaccination status in the villages. Organized meeting with ASHA workers of 20 villages and motivated to improve the condition of pregnant ladies, children, adolescent girls by their regular checkup and assist the ANM during vaccination camps. The coordination meetings with ANM and MPW were conducted put the issue of lack vaccination for women & children in villages to the department. The volunteers of the organization assisted the primary health workers to provide health services to remote areas. The volunteers support the primary health workers while the celebration of VHND (village health and nutrition day ) by gathering the community for health check up and further services.

Improvement in the services of sub health centers (SHC) :
Earlier the ANM and MPW were not regular and hence the people were deprived of its services. The organization raised the issue at block level and complained to the concerned officials. The communities were aware about the services of the SHCs and they started working as pressure groups to provide better services and infrastructure.

Strengthening of Village Health & Sanitation Committee (VHSC):
The members of VHSC committee were not aware about their rights and roles, the organization oriented VHSC members about their roles and responsibilities and information of budget discussed about the work done in village and tried to discuss on usage of budget which allot the government for this committee.

Empowerment of adolescent girls and women :
Through community awareness programmes and home visits GVS increased knowledge regarding health like profits of vaccination , primary health care and the services which are provided by the SHC , some traditional and herbal treatment among teenage girls and women. They were also given knowledge about reproductive health and care. The women were supported by the organization to collect back their NREGA job cards which were illegally kept by the Sarpanch and panchayat secretary. They were also oriented about women rights and remedies during the violation of their rights. Information regarding various governmental welfare schemes for the women and girls were also discussed with the community. A women convention was organized where the women discussed about their issues in a common platform along with administrative officials and department heads at block level. The women rallies were organized to increase the community awareness and sensitization about women rights and its protection.

Public awareness campaign :
Meeting and capacity building workshops were conducted on health, livelihood and government schemes were organized in sixty different villages and about 2000 people were participated. These programmes were held on choupals, on festival while the villagers gathered at a place.

Efforts to improve the public distribution system :
Fifteen ration shops were re opened that were closed for a long time. The organization put appeal of about two hundred new BPL and antyoday ration cards for the families who are living under BPL category.

Community empowerment:
About 550 families were not given the right to hold the lands used by their ancestors. Hence they were deprived of their livelihood source (agriculture) .Claim paper submitted of 550 families to the Van Adhikar Samiti for the land holding rights of the lands which are used by their ancestors. The communities were aware and empowered about their rights and motivated them to cultivate the lands and the food grain production has been increased by to 3500 quintal.
The communities were motivated to file application for wells in different locations and applied for watershed management during the gram sabhas of PRI, in the locality. Motivated the people to participate   in Gram sabha and to participate in the decision making process of the Sabha to give valuable suggestions for community welfare.

Election advocacy:
The issue of allocation of more SHCs and PHCs as per the norms of WHO and improvement of health care of tribal women and children were shared with the public representatives during legislative election. The election candidates were sensitized to raise the above said demands if got elected and took the promise in written. Such kind of work also get done in the panchayat elections also and got declaration and taking the signature on promising letter by the candidate of panch, sarpanch , zilla panchayat member. The voter’s education programmes was organized in the villages to empower voters in the villages.

Labor empowerment:
Labors were not getting job as well as unemployment wages In Damoh district. GVS raised the issues at district headquarter with the deprived community and gave memorandum to the collector in public hearing under MNREGA, which is the first example of such kind   in district Damoh. Labors who are working in horticulture department who are working since 20 years on daily wages and are not allowed to go on leave on national festivals even on Sundays and were working like slaves. GVS highlighted the issue and they start getting holidays during Sunday and other national festivals.

Research and internships at GVS:
From establishment of the organization GVS remained very keen about researches ,trainings and internships. we have worked in this regard in the various fields. we are working for  improvement of the panchayati raj system, MNREGA, forest right act ,malnutrition status, health system(NRHM) in bundelkhand.